Link to article: https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/crime/police-issue-new-warning-over-theft-of-cars-in-sheffield-4572391
Police issue new warning over theft of cars in Sheffield
Four Fiat 500 cars have been recovered by the police after an increase in reports of thefts in the city.

Officers are trying to trace the owners of the stolen cars and a warning has been issued that thieves are operating in Sheffield, with all makes and models of cars at risk.
South Yorkshire Police is urging motorists to take precautions to protect their vehicles.
Last week, four Fiat 500 cars were recovered from the Manor and Arbourthorne areas of Sheffield.
But South Yorkshire Police said: “Please be aware that it is not just Fiat 500 models being targeted, please be vigilant regardless of your car’s make and model.”
Roads Policing Inspector Matt Collings added: “Unfortunately, we have recently seen an increase in car thefts across the force.
“Thieves will be looking for easy opportunities and do not care who their victims are and what impact they leave behind.
“We want to take this opportunity to remind our residents of the simple and easy ways you can secure your vehicles against theft.
“Please act now. Stolen cars and criminals behind the wheel pose a huge risk on our roads, as those involved in stealing the vehicles are more likely to take greater risks.”
Elizabeth Carda, aged 21, of Ridgehill Avenue, near Intake, was left traumatised after thieves broke into her family home and stole a car.
She said five men entered the house when everyone was asleep, even entering the bedroom where she slept.
She said: “My partner woke up and saw the silhouette of a figure on the wall, they watched us for over a minute which you wouldn't think is a long time but it is.
“It was terrifying knowing a random man was stood watching me sleep.”
Elizabeth’s brother heard the men going through the house and went down stairs to find the place ransacked.
By the time the rest of the family got down stairs, the criminals had sped off.
It is thought the crooks were originally drawn to the house by Elizabeth’s brother’s Golf R, but because the thieves couldn’t find a way to steal it they settled for her mothers’ Skoda Citigo.
Elizabeth said she didn’t sleep for 38 hours afterwards.
“I’m a student and if they take my car, I can’t afford to replace it. We are too scared to go on holiday or leave the house empty now,” she added.
Elizabeth joined her local community Facebook group and said she regularly sees videos posted showing people walking down her street and trying car doors.
The stolen car was recovered by the police.
South Yorkshire Police have highlighted some simple things you can do to to prevent vehicle theft:
- Parking on your driveway or a well-lit area
- Installing a CCTV/ring doorbell device
- Removing all valuables from inside the vehicle, including phones, house keys, bags, purses and wallets
- Closing all windows and ensuring your vehicle is locked every time you leave it
- Keeping your keys safe and out of view when at home. If your car has keyless entry, make sure you store your keys away from your front door to stop signal boosting devices
Insp Collins added: “Please act now. Stolen cars and criminals behind the wheel pose a huge risk on our roads, as those involved in stealing the vehicles are more likely to take greater risks.”